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Kaunas University of Technology announces an international competition for the position of the rector

Important | 2023-01-09

Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) is starting the process of rectorial election by announcing an international open competition for the position of the rector on 9 January. Applications for the position of the rector can be submitted until 10 March. 

The election of KTU rector is organised as an open international competition by an Election Commission composed of the members of the University Council. The rector is elected for a five-year term of office according to the Law on Higher Education and Research, the Statute of KTU and the election procedure approved by KTU Council.

Arvydas Paukštys

The competition is open only to persons of impeccable reputation holding a scientific degree or renowned artists with teaching and managerial experience. A person who is not employed by the University may also be a candidate for the position of the rector.

“KTU is one of the leading universities, constantly developing innovations and surprising society with the achievements of its scientists and students not only in Lithuania but also abroad. Therefore, the rector of such a university must be decisive, proactive, and able to cooperate effectively with business, research and academic organisations, as well as the authorities. A very important duty of a leader is to bring the members of the University community together, motivate them to achieve ambitious goals and lead the University forward,” says Arvydas Paukštys, Chairman of KTU Council, Head of the “Teltonika IoT Group”.

Member of KTU Council, Chairwoman of the Rectorial Election Commission and Head of Social Partnerships & People Business Partner of the “Hostinger” Lina Slavinskė believes that a strong leader will lead the University forward.

Lina Slavinskė

“Technology is not only a part of everyday life but also the key to the future of humanity. A future that seems difficult to predict or even plan in detail, but one thing is clear: it is a synthesis of various disciplines and competencies. And universities such as KTU have a special role to play in creating this future. Although the world is living in turbulent times of change, which we cannot always directly influence, I believe that we will succeed in electing a true leader for one of the strongest universities in the country, who will be able to lead KTU for the next five years and contribute to the creation of our future,” she said.

Applicants have to submit a completed application form for participation in the open international competition for the position of the rector, a declaration of compliance with the requirement of impeccable reputation and disclosure of conflict of interest, a curriculum vitae, a copy of the document certifying their scientific degree, and documents proving teaching and managerial experience until 10 March.

In addition, applicants are requested to specify their operational guidelines formulated according to the University strategy. Other documents and data may be submitted if the applicant considers them appropriate to submit.

Documents may be submitted directly at the University, by electronic means, verifying the authenticity of documents by an electronic signature, or delivered by registered post to the indicated address.

After the deadline for document submission, a meeting of the Election Commission will be held, followed by a meeting of the Senate within one month, to approve the list of candidates who meet the requirements for research activities.

Later, the selected candidates who meet all the requirements will introduce themselves and present their visions to the community in an open meeting. The final decision on the winner of the competition will be made by KTU Council in a closed meeting to be held no later than 20 calendar days after the open meeting.

The newly elected rector of KTU is expected to take office on 10 August.

Further details are available here: