Enrich your life – become a mentor

Important | 2018-05-22

Until the 31st of May you can apply for becoming a peer mentor for the new students, coming to KTU is September. Although it is commonly assumed that mentee is the one who benefits most, actually being a mentor is very rewarding experience in many ways.

Research shows, that people who become mentors in business make an average of $25,000 more a year. Why? Because, when encouraging the other to achieve more, you attempt to lead by example and set higher goals to yourself.

Mark Zuckerberg, as he made the transition from coder to CEO, turned to a variety of mentors, including Steve Jobs and Don Graham, Washington Post Company CEO, to see how leaders behave. Graham says the Facebook founder helped him better understand how to engage people online – valuable information for a newspaper business still adapting to the world of digital.

Having the potential to change a person’s life, enjoying the pleasure of taking care of another person, keeping up-to-date to the realities of today, improving time management skills, contributing to a happier and connected community are only a few reasons why everyone of us should consider mentorship at one or other time of our lives.

Being a mentor helps to become more emphatic – one learns how to step into other person’s shoes, by helping to solve other people’s problems you train your own problem-solving skills, by getting to know people in challenging situations and trying them to cope you are improving your social skills. Also, by trying to be a positive example to the other person, you actually become more positive, engaging and emotionally intelligent.

Find out more about mentorship opportunities.

Apply here, if you wish to become a peer mentor.