The European Union is tightening the requirements of environmental protection due to climate change and requires to increase the energy efficiency and to reduce environmental impacts. One of the emissions reduction ways is a usage of lean combustion for gas burners in industrial boilers. The project aims at the investigation of plasma-ionized air-fuel mixture combustion to reduce emissions and increase combustion efficiency in the lean combustion region. The aim of the project will be achieved by accomplishing the intended objective – experimental investigation of non-thermal plasma influence on the combustion of natural gas, synthetic gas and their mixtures in the lean combustion region on a laboratory scale. The objective consists of two activities: a study of the natural gas and syngas combustion in a flat flame burner to determine the combustion characteristics of natural gas, syngas and their mixtures in the lean combustion regime, and a study of the use of non-thermal plasma for the combustion of different air-fuel mixtures in the flat flame burner to determine the plasmas effect on flame stability, combustion efficiency and formation of contaminants in the lean combustion regime using natural gas, synthetic gases and their mixtures.
Project funding:
This research project is funded by the European Social Fund according to the 2014–2020 Operational Programme for the European Union Funds’ Investments, under measure’s No. 09.3.3-LMT-K-712 activity “Promotion of postdoctoral fellowships studies”.
Project results:
The achieved aim of the project will provide an opportunity to adapt the obtained results for industrial boiler burners in order to increase the energy efficiency and reduce the environmental impact, thereby contributing to production priority of cleaner energy. Obtained results will be presented in 2 scientific publications in journals referenced in the „Clarivate Analytics“ and in an international conference.
Period of project implementation: 2017-11-28 - 2019-11-27
Project coordinator: Kaunas University of Technology