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Lectures by Visiting Professor Teris A. van Beek from Wageningen University


Dr. Teris A. van Beek from Organic Chemistry Department of Wageningen University (The Netherlands) will visit our university on September 16-18. He is an excellent expert in analytical chemistry, particularly chromatography, mass spectrometry and NMR.

On Tuesday, September 17 he will deliver the following lectures and workshop to our PhD students and other researchers.

Morning session, 10.30-12.30, B-204 (Radvilėnų pl. 19)

Duration: up to 120 minutes.
The lecture will be held in English.
No prior registration is required.

LECTURE: An introduction into ambient mass spectrometry and applications in the fields of food safety, quality control, metabolomics and forensics.

Morning session will be finished by short lecture with some advice for PhDs and looking back to his own career and notable changes.

Afternoon session: 14.00-16.00, B-204 (Radvilėnų pl. 19)

Duration: up to 120 minutes.
The lecture will be held in English.
No prior registration is required.

PROBLEM SOLVING SESSION. Hand-out or pdf of recent ambient MS paper and students can try alone or in groups of max. 4 persons to answer questions about this paper. When most have finished, discussion of questions, answers and explanations, if necessary.

AN OPTIONAL LECTURE (depending on time): Is low-field NMR a complimentary tool to GC-MS in quality control of essential oils?

The timetable is flexible and the content may be slightly adjusted.

More about the researcher.

Dr. Teris A. van Beek received his PhD in Pharmacognosy at Leiden University in 1984. He has worked as a lecturer in Natural Products Chemistry at Wageningen University since 1985. In 1995 he spent a sabbatical with Larry Taylor at Virginia Tech on SFC and SFE. He received in 2000 the Research Award of the Phytochemical Society of Europe. Currently, his research focuses on the application of ambient mass spectrometry and low-field NMR for fast qualitative and quantitative analyses like quality control of drugs and essential oils, food safety, natural dyes, forensics and surfaces for sensing. He has over 15,000 citations and an H-Index of 57 through 220 papers, book chapters and edited journal issues. He has 5 patents and supervised more than 20 PhD students besides many post-docs, technicians and MSc students and presented lectures at 50+ international conferences.

September 17 d. 10:00 - 16:00

Radvilėnų pl. 19, B-204, Kaunas

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