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Department of Environmental Technology

Department was established on August 15, 1940.

2014 y. – the department gained its current name – the Department of Environmental Technology.

1999 y. – the Environmental research laboratory, named by prof. Steponas Kairys, was opened in the Department of Environmental Engineering

1993 y. – first professionals of Environmental Engineering in Lithuania were awarded with the bachelor‘s degree.

1988 y. – the department changed its name to the Department of Environmental Engineering and moved from the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture to the Faculty of Chemical Technology.

1956 y. –  the department was renamed to the Department of Water Supply, Sewerage and Plumbing.

1940-08-15 – the Department of Urban Sanitation was established at Kaunas University. The founder of the department and its first head was Signatory of the Act of Independence of Lithuania professor Steponas Kairys.


Violeta Kaunelienė
Assoc Prof Violeta Kaunelienė

Head of Department


Doctoral students

      Achievements in science 2020

ataskaita 2019